Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 9 - Evening Update

As you can see my updates haven't been as frequent.  It's interesting as I'm kind of losing track of days.  I felt that my last post was done today, however when I checked the date, it was yesterday.  I will have to resort to checking the date to keep track. 

I feel that the progress I made in terms of regularizing my sleep schedule may have been lost over the weekend.  It's been a tough few days and with some work projects that need completing I'm going to need to be fully aware and productive for the next couple of days.  Additionally, my night time productivity is beginning to drop.  Last night I pretty much vegged on the couch for 4 to 5 hours straight.  It was bizarre, I found myself staring into space and struggling to keep myself awake.  In retrospect I should have taken a short nap.

Today I've been pretty good.  I took my 6 AM nap as planned and only for 30 minutes.  I set my timer for 45 minutes as soon as I lay down.  I assume it takes me 10 to 15 minutes to sleep, hence I should net about 30 minutes.  I've really been over estimating my ability to fall asleep quickly.  Nevertheless, the noon nap went well albeit an hour later than normal. It's already time for my 6 PM nap (6:25 PM currently).  However, I felt that I should post at least once during daylight hours today. 

Overall I feel pretty good.  Not as good as I did a few days ago.  As I've said before, I'm also fasting, so that might be another reason for me feeling more tired and weak.  I was also on a good weight loss trajectory, which seems to have plateaued.  I'd lost about 7 lbs since I began fasting.  For the last 4 to 5 days my weight has become steady.  Considering my eating is the same as it was before I started this experiment and now that I'm moving around extra hours, I would have thought that there should be some additional weight loss as I'm burning more calories.  I guess the human body isn't that simple - linear logic perhaps doesn't apply.

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