Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 4 - Morning Update

I'm pleased to say that I was able to get my first workout in, albeit, it was a short one, but it was positive.  I have a long ways to go!  Overall the night went well.  As I got closer to my nap my awareness level and concentration both increased - strange?.  It was semi-productive - mainly due to my disorganization, I didn't have my usual to-do list and lazily did whatever I felt like doing.  The night was great, I was quite focused on the task a hand, awareness and concentration levels were both around 8 by the time my 6 AM nap came around..

As far as after my 6 AM nap, I feel like I've hit a wall.  Waking up from the nap was quite difficult.  I snoozed for about 20 minutes.  Additionally, my head still feels cloudy and sleep hasn't left me just yet and I've been awake for more than an hour.  I hope this improves as I have quite a bit to do before my noon nap (which I will need to postpone to 1ish due to Jummah). 

At sehri I took a few Advils just as a precaution as I've been getting headaches after my morning naps.  Today is no exception, my head is pounding, my eyes are puffy and I'm having a hard time staying awake.  I'm literally nodding off while writing this entry.

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