Friday, July 9, 2010

Part 2

I decided to stop the sleep experiment a while back.  Last time the polyphasic sleep cycle lasted for approximately 2 months before my schedule could no longer accommodate it.  My schedule is now at the point where I can resume the sleep cycle.

I will begin on again on Monday.  I'll be logging my progress on this blog hopefully on a daily or more often basis.

A precursor to starting, one lesson I learned was to have a plan for all of the waking hours.  I'll be spending the weekend creating a to-do list, or perhaps even a project plan.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So on the 20th was eid and coincidentally my last day on the sleep schedule for about a week.  We have a bunch of guests at the house, with little children and due to the company, my schedule is impossible to keep up.  I'm going to take a week's hiatus and return to the schedule hopefully some time next week.  This weekend truly wore me out.   I have to say that I did make it 20 day!  Not bad for something I didn't think would last more than 3 days.

Hopefully, next time it'll be a bit easier.  Especially that there's no more fasting involved.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 17 - Early AM Update

Well what can I say, yesterday overall wasn't a good day for me.  I guess I had been more fatigued than I realized and my body began to complain.  I was doing well most of the night however, as time went on I developed a headache and a slight fever.  Finally time came for my 6 AM nap and when I awoke from it, I was miserable.  My eyes were burning, I couldn't even open them fully, my head was pounding and completely foggy as well as I had developed a low grade fever resulting in periodic sweats.

I'm just postulating that the abovementioned condition was due to fatigue, however, it could very well have been due to the recently changing weather.  Whatever the case was, I spent the majority of my day in bed, trying not to necessarily sleep in order to keep my schedule intact.  By mid-afternoon,  I did feel better, however the fogginess in my head never fully retracted nether did the headache.  As I sit here currently, I feel that I'm adjusted, however I can also feel my eyes beginning to burn again and my head is throbbing - albeit at a very low level.  Today, I had a significant number of things on my To-Do list, which obviously did not get completed, one of which was a report for a client.  I hope I can maintain enough focus and get it done tonight.  Overall, this sleep schedule is beginning to wear on me.  I'm also beginning to doubt if it's feasible in the long run.  The big thing is that even in 6 hour increments it's difficult to maintain a set schedule.  There are inevitably events which happen on a near daily basis which cause one to deviate.  Anyhow, as it stands I'm going to truck through it for at least another week and a half - I want to give it a full week without fasting and see if there's a difference. 

Overall, I feel that my focus levels are pretty good during the night hours, at least for the first 2 to 3 hours after my nap.  Looking at the time now, I must be nearing the end of my focus time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 16 - Early AM Update - 3rd person narrative

He awoke from what seemed like an eternity.  His weary eyes bloodshot and tired struggle to focus.  He slowly lifts his body into what seems to be a seated position.  Slowly rotating his legs until they hang from the side of his newly purchased bed which is designed to help support his problematic back.  This night his back is without pain, perhaps his workout regime is finally helping or perhaps the bed is doing what it should.

He leaves his room, looking down the hallway, where a solitary night light dimly lit struggles to illuminate more than 3 square inches.  He slowly walks towards the light which is positioned directly across the stairway leading downstairs.  As he walks downstairs he wonders, why is he awake at such an ungodly hour?  Is this a natural way to exist?  As he takes another step, the overwhelming desire to head back to the comfort of his bed is begins to gnaw at his psyche.  Fighting the urge he continues further down the stairs, gripping the hand rail in what can be described as the minimal amount of light which his eyes could possibly use to make out objects.

He dare not turn on the lights, fearing he will wake the others.  With each step down the stairs, the wood seems to creak louder and louder to say that he will not get away this time.  Finally, as the floor began to scream at the top of it's lungs, he reached the bottom with a prolonged sigh.  He looks back up the stairs, expecting to see a shadow or two of the disturbed ones.  Seeing none, he has gotten away this time.  He inches his way into the kitchen and turns the corner, whereby another nightlight illuminates nothing but a few inches below itself.  However, this light is enough to allow him to make his way to the fridge.  Upon opening the fridge, a brightness which can only be described as the sun unleashing it's wrath on the unknowing nearly blinds him.  His eyes take what seems to be eons to adjust.

Well - I'll end my 3rd person narration as I seem to be boring myself ha!

 So yes, I tried taking my midnight nap, and I felt like I was laying there forever without falling asleep.  My 6 PM nap was much the same.  I now understand why my 6 AM naps are so intense and why I have such a difficult time getting up.  Well the good thing is that my creative juices are flowing.  While I was tired prior to my so called midnight nap, even though I didn't fall asleep I feel rested.  I actually have a lot of work which needs to get done tonight as I've been procrastinating - well not really, I've just re-prioritized other things over this and now I'm at the 11th hour trying to get it done!  Regardless, I'm over the 2 week hump and going strong!  One thing is that I am quite a bit under the weather, while I feel energized for short periods of time, I'm without energy for longer.  I suppose the meds I just took for my cold / fever have begun their effects, hence I'm here.  So I bid you adieu for now!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 15 - Early AM Update

So my sleep experiment isn't working so well.  I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, however it's critical to stay on the sleep schedule.  On Saturday I ended up missing 2 naps, the results weren't pretty.  I felt as if I had been run over by a bus. I ended up sleeping deeper than I remember I've ever slept.  This sleep unfortunately lasted for over 7 hours straight.  I slept through my alarms and apparently attempts to wake me up were unsuccessful.

It took me until today - essentially 2 days to recover from that fiasco.  On an interesting sidebar, I've been kind of stressing about getting off of this schedule.  In particular that I will not have any time to get things accomplished.  Additionally, I've realized that I'm not necessarily that much more productive, as I feel like I'm just shifting things on my list to do, i.e. procrastinating.  I need to get no the ball and not waste time.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 12 - Early AM - Synopsis of my experiences so far

Yes I'm still with it.  I've been a bit busy in the last few days to write.  So I've been meaning to write a little bit more about my observations during my nearly 2 week tenure of this experiment.

Many a times, I sit starting into space.  Wondering if this is natural?  Will it have any long lasting effects on me physically, mentally or even to my psyche?  I wonder if it's sustainable.  Let me shed some light on my experiences.

This sleep pattern definitely isn't for everyone.   One thing I have realized is that you must be committed to it, and cannot take it lightly.  If you do take it lightly, you're going to suffer.  A few such examples, I missed a few naps here and there.  Recovering from "misses" are extremely difficult as you end up hitting a wall.  Let me back up.  I started the experiment using the Uberman Sleeping Method which prescribes taking 20 minute naps every 4 hours.  After a few days I realized that every 4 hours wasn't going to suit me.  I adjusted my schedule to take a 45 minute nap every 6 hours.  This schedule seems to be working well for me.

The initial few days were a bit of a haze.  I felt like I wasn't completely awake and not asleep, rather in a zombie state.  The night time waking hours seemed a bit less difficult in terms of needing to be awake and cognizant. Productivity overall did increase, but productivity per unit of time seemed to have decreased.  I feel that this decrease was mainly due to the fact that I am fasting during the day, hence lethargy and lack of energy were to be expected.  I have about 2 1/2 weeks left and then the fasting period will be over.  I'd like to continue this experiment through the period where I'm eating during the day and then see how it is.  I'm guessing there should be a significant improvement in my cognitive state.

Again I feel like I'm jumping from one point to another as I haven't thought out what I am writing.  One of my issues since childhood has been my inability to sleep well.  I'm a borderline insomniac whereby I'd lay awake for hours before falling asleep.  Fast forward to this experiment.  I was extremely skeptical about it.  I felt that I'd never be able to get to sleep.  The first few days were indeed like that.  I'd lay down for the prescribed time and not be able to sleep.  An interesting observation, over time even if I don't fall asleep, just laying down is enough to recharge me - albeit it's not a full charge by any means. 

Moving forward, I think that I'm adjusted to the 6 hour schedule.  I'm still not convinced that this schedule is sustainable.  I currently have flexibility in my job whereby I'm able to work from home and control my schedule around my sleeping.  If my work situation changes or I have to travel, I'm not sure how this would translate?  Time to go, more later.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 9 - Evening Update

As you can see my updates haven't been as frequent.  It's interesting as I'm kind of losing track of days.  I felt that my last post was done today, however when I checked the date, it was yesterday.  I will have to resort to checking the date to keep track. 

I feel that the progress I made in terms of regularizing my sleep schedule may have been lost over the weekend.  It's been a tough few days and with some work projects that need completing I'm going to need to be fully aware and productive for the next couple of days.  Additionally, my night time productivity is beginning to drop.  Last night I pretty much vegged on the couch for 4 to 5 hours straight.  It was bizarre, I found myself staring into space and struggling to keep myself awake.  In retrospect I should have taken a short nap.

Today I've been pretty good.  I took my 6 AM nap as planned and only for 30 minutes.  I set my timer for 45 minutes as soon as I lay down.  I assume it takes me 10 to 15 minutes to sleep, hence I should net about 30 minutes.  I've really been over estimating my ability to fall asleep quickly.  Nevertheless, the noon nap went well albeit an hour later than normal. It's already time for my 6 PM nap (6:25 PM currently).  However, I felt that I should post at least once during daylight hours today. 

Overall I feel pretty good.  Not as good as I did a few days ago.  As I've said before, I'm also fasting, so that might be another reason for me feeling more tired and weak.  I was also on a good weight loss trajectory, which seems to have plateaued.  I'd lost about 7 lbs since I began fasting.  For the last 4 to 5 days my weight has become steady.  Considering my eating is the same as it was before I started this experiment and now that I'm moving around extra hours, I would have thought that there should be some additional weight loss as I'm burning more calories.  I guess the human body isn't that simple - linear logic perhaps doesn't apply.